When you make it Im sure you'll feel very Obsessive Compulsive as I did, but it does wonders for making progress in the home.
What you'll need:
*Sheet Protectors, Diamond Clear - 100 Count (V) -
*Expo Dry Erase Markers - 18 ct. - Dry-Erase Markers (Used to write on the clear sheets to save work, ink, and paper!)
*A 3 ring binder (not a super thin one, depending on how much you incorporate.)
*A word processor on your computer. And a printer! (Leave a comment if you want me to email you the template for any of these pages!)
*Section Dividers.

SO far there are 4 sections, but its a work in progress.
The Finance Section:
This form just make sure that every thing gets paid every month and no bills get skipped.

Debt repayment Page: The following page got a bit messed up because I didnt realize I didnt have any colored ink, so I just wrote it in.
Write the minimum payment amount, how much you actually pay. Then you figure out (if you can afford it) a day that you would like the bill paid off by, divide total amount owed by the number of months that is, then you write down ho much you would have to pay in order to complete your goal.
This is a great way to organize things, make getting out of debt more likely and easier to figure out. Its my way of figuring out how realistic financial goals are.
The sections (If you cant read it) on the form from left to write are: "As of" Date. Type of payment. Minimum payment amount. Projected date/number of payments (based on min. payment.) Actual amount of money you pay monthly. Projected finish date (with the amount you actually pay - this can be hard if there is interest involved.) When do you WANT to have it paid by? Amount of money needed in order to achieve this date. And the Number of payments that would be.

The Food Section:
I have a page like this for both Oliver and I. Of you wanted you could track exercises, too. I use my Android for that.
On this page I make sure he is getting a rounded diet by having the checks in the end - Meat, Veg, Fruit, Beans, Nuts/Legumes, and grain. Theres no dairy because we dont eat dairy except occasional cheese, and you may want to put Sugar on there, too.

The TO DO/Chores Section:
This page is for long term stuff that doesnt need to be on the chore list but we need to do some time soon.

This section is the only one I have in plastic sleeves.
Ok this may seem like over kill, but Ill explain why there are 3 chore lists in a minute. First look them over.
Weekly Form. This way I can look over what I need to get done every week. Also, I dont "work" on weekends =)

This one is both weekly and daily. Sometimes I have time to do extra chores and sometimes not enough. As long as its all done by Friday Im in the clear. This is so I can just check them all off. Just trust me, I had to do it this way from experience.

Not everything needs to be done all of the time. These are things I get done when I have extra time, or something REALLY needs to get done. Itsthe lowest priority list.

This above form I have been keeping on the fridge until Adam has been trained to look in the book. Its just man chores to remind him to keep busy as well.
The Stuff Section:
Things to save up for like large appliances, or even luxury items you really want go on this list:

Eventually Ill make a lists section, but this is my bonus time funzies craft list! I made the table really thick so I can write all of the supplies in it.

I hope you like it! Give me some feedback!
Other ideas:
A section just for all of my ridiculous lists.
A list of peoples Birthdays, anniversaries, and interests (gift ideas) they have.
FAVORITE family recipes as a quick reference when you arent sure what to go shopping for.
I would LOVE to hear other ideas you guys may have for the book!
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