This is a favorite on the internet among people who enjoy doing tiny things every day just to make some money. You get paid in gift cards (Mainly Amazon, but can also get pay outs for Wal Mart, Through Paypal for cash, Itunes, BestBuy, etc.) and its real! I myself Earned $5 in a couple of days and now after 2 weeks Ive earned $10 in gift cards.. I have yet to cash out yet. You earn as much as you do, some people make 100 Swagbucks a day, and some make 5. 450SB can be redeemed for $5 in Amazon gift cards for example.
There are a LOT of ways to earn Swagbucks - Some include:
- Filling out surveys
- Using their search engine (Which is powered by both Bing and Google, so its prtty good.)
- Completing offers - often for free samples and free stuff, soits really a win win.
- Playing games
- Taking their daily poll
- Bonus SB rewards, like just finding a code on the site and entering it in the code spot.
- Sweepstakes (bet SB to win more)
- Watching short videos - which include cooking, gardening, movie previews and sometimes news. They are actually really awesome videos. Some center around Hollywood, and some center around being a mother!
- Referring friends can get you %10 of everything they make for life! (which reminds me, if you wanna try it out do me a favor and do it by going here:
All in All its worth it! And actually kinda fun. Ive looked ALL over the internet and there are people that just save up points and SB pays for all of their Christmas, or people that just use it for bills.. whatever you choose to do, you're missing out on something if you aren't Swagging!
Click here to visit Swagbucks!
I have to say right out of the gate that I absolutely love Jingit. I've been a member for 9 months now and have earned a LOT of actual money by essentially doing nothing. I go to their website, I watch a commercial or 2 - bam, 50 cents. I downloaded the app, which has sponsors like Target or Safeway or Wal Mart and when you go to those stores you earn even more money! This can be done by either scanning products that it lists OR buying featured products. Sometimes I buy sausage for 3.00 a pack and Jingit instantly gives me 1.75 back. i was gonna buy it anyway! Same with toilet paper. I got some toilet paper I was gonna buy any way and they gave me 5.00 right away!
The other day the MOST AMAZING THING HAPPENED. I bought that sausage I always buy, but it was apparently part of some bonus blitz thing. I bought $3.00 sausage and they gave me my 1.75 back, then when I went to the website they asked me to fill out a survey about the sausage - which was literally one question: "Did you plan on buying this product ahead of time or did you make a special trip for it?" They gave me 10.00 for checking a little box. I was so excited I told every one about it!
Now at the start you have a limit of $10.00 a week. This can be increased by referring people. My limit after 2 or 3 referrals is 20.25 - which honestly I don't think I can go much higher than. There isn't THAT many videos to watch and the amount you can earn is based on how many clients or sponsors they have.
They USED to give you an actual debit card and you could just spend the money one whatever you wanted, wherever, but about a month ago they changed it =( Now they give out giftcards, which isnt awful, but I sure loved it being the ONLY thing I could find that gave me actual money directly into my pocket without waiting!
I LOVE Jingit. Do yourself a favor and just have it. Its free and it can go on your phone to earn you money that you just wouldnt have before.
Click here to visit Jingit
Amazon Mechanical Turk
There isnt much to say about this one. You do menial tasks and are paid pennies at a time. Sometimes a dollar, depending on the task and what they want to pay you. I really enjoy just tagging photos for them, or labeling images. Its just another small thing to do to earn some side cash. I don't make abutt load on it, but when Im bored I can make like a dollar and that makes me feel good.
This image really explains it: