Frontier Nutmeg Ground ORGANIC Fair Trade Certified 1.90 oz Bottle
Nutmeg has anti-inflammatory properties and can help to heal scars and minimize their appearance. Nutmeg has been shown to help increase the volume of adipose (fat) tissue found underneath the skin.
This can fill in wrinkles.
As an aromatherapy ingredient, nutmeg oil has protective, clearing and immunity boosting properties.
"Due to its strong tonic, stimulant and anti-bacterial properties, nutmeg had been present in natural healing and medicine. In small doses it is calming and soothing for stressed nerves. It supports digestive system, strengthens immunity and resistance to colds, enhances healthy skin and hair, alleviates arthritis pain, heals varicose veins." - From
Its also an Anti-inflammatory and has been used in history for Ringworm and Eczema (Which I will try if for next time I get an outbreak from washing the dishes too long!) It ALSO has chemicals in it that can act as a cellular protector!
So it can also can reduce and eliminate acme scars on your skin.
Remember this isnt a miracle cure so it may take a while. Its all natural, and may not show immediate obvious results depending on your skin types and sensitivity.
Wash your face first!
Mix about half a teaspoon of nutmeg with about a quarter teaspoon of honey into a paste.
Apply some of it to acne marks or areas of infection.
Leave it on for at least 30 minutes (If you have super sensitive skin I would start at 20 and see how it feels from there.)
It shouldnt sting (the honey helps with this) but it should have some great results!
I also found this lovely recipe (which I havent tried) From
"Honey+ Cinnamon n’ Nutmeg mask: Just mix one teaspoon each of grounded cinnamon, grounded nutmeg and honey together into a thick paste. Apply on your face for 20-30 minutes and then rinse off with warm water. Apply your moisturizer thereon. The Cinnamon in this mask is a known antiseptic, astringent, anti-fungal and anti-viral agent. With its exfoliating action, cinnamon opens up your skin pores helping the other ingredients to work better. Nutmeg is recommended for its anti-inflammatory properties. Use this mask daily when ridden with an acne flare-up. Once your acne has calmed down you could use it 2 or 3 times in a week. If you have sensitive skin, this mask is not meant for you! Apply this mask gently. No rubbing and scrubbing recommended as the ingredients could hurt your skin."
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